Rustung’s cobalt drill bits are some of the best on the market today… but they all say that, don’t they? Here are 5 good reasons to believe Rustung when they say it.

1) Sheer Expertise

Cobalt drill bits can actually be quite tricky to manufacture. After all, its not like putting a titanium coating on a simple steel bit. The strength and hardness come from infusing cobalt into the steel itself. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you get a brittle bit that user’s can’t trust. Happily, Rustung does know what they are doing.

Rustung may be a new name to you, but Rustung cobalt drill bits are made by some of the most experienced people in the industry. The decades of expertise at this company’s command ensure that they deliver an amazing quality product, and use the most efficient processes. As we’ll get to lower in the list, this all lets them give you premium quality cobalt drill bits at an ‘unknown brand’ price.

2) Quality and Consistency of Materials

Cobalt drill bits can withstand more heat than other types of HSS drill bits, but only because they are made from a superior material. The cobalt steel alloy Rustung uses is carefully formulated to give an ideal profile of hardness and resilience. That can be a difficult equation to balance, too.

If you use too much cobalt, you actually will get a harder steel allow. Fantastically hard. But it will also be extremely brittle. The first time you used it, it would probably shatter like glass. If you use too little, you get a material that is functionally no harder than any other steel. Rustung cobalt drill bits perform better because the steel is ‘just right’.

3) Quality of Workmanship

Another problem many people experience with lower cost cobalt drill bits is poor craftsmanship. If the manufacturing process is poorly thought out, if the machinery is poorly adjusted or if effective quality control efforts are not put into place, you’re not going to get a good product in the end. Rustung, however, always gets it right.

4) Versatility

If cobalt drill buts are so hard, so durable and so easy to sharpen on your own, why don’t people use them all the time? The simple answer is that most makes of cobalt drill bits are not really all that versatile. They drill steel and hardened metals, full stop. Rustung cobalt drill buts are designed for versatility. They are amazing in steel, but work perfectly on wood, plastics, masonry… you name it.

5) Value for Money

If they can do all that, Rustung cobalt drill bits must cost a fortune, right? Honestly, they could charge more. But because they use a revolutionary production technique, Rustung cobalt drill bits are not expensive to manufacture. You get a better product at a lower price, and Rustung feels that’s a better way to do business.

If you have questions about the safety of your drill bits or other equipment, call us at 01935 310298. We’d be happy to discuss your options.
