We all know how to play ‘never have I ever’. Well, let’s play a 5-point game of Never Have I Ever about horrible air compressor maintenance mistakes.

“Never have I ever…

…Forgotten to Clean Out the Intake Vents.”

The intake vent leads to the air filter, which is what prevents sand, dust and assorted schmutz from getting into your air compressor’s workings and tank. The more you use it, the more those materials build up in the vent itself. If you use your compressor quite often and forget to clean the vent(s), two things can happen, and they’re both bad. First, a really bad build-up can restrict the air coming into your compressor. You’ll notice a lack of performance, at a minimum. Second, sooner or later a big chunk of that caked on crud is going to fracture off and that could completely block your filter.

…Forgotten to Top Up the Oil Reservoir.”

Ignore this one if your compressor doesn’t use oil, of course. However, if your compressor does use oil and you forget to check it regularly, it can run dry and that is just as bad as it sounds. Really, if you use the compressor every day, you should be checking the oil every day before you start. While we’re on this topic, though, you should also do a complete oil change after running the compressor for a total of 1000 hours. And it won’t hurt anything to dot hat early, if you’ve lost track!

…Forgotten to Drain the Water Receiver Tank.”

Moisture build-up in the air tank is a major problem in many climates. Water can condense out when the air becomes compressed, and should be diverted to a receiver tank. Most compressors will have a specific valve for draining this tank. Do that every so often. Just remember not to do it while the air tank is under pressure!

…Forgotten to Change my Air Filters.”

Like all filters, the air filters on your compressor are going to get clogged with all the things they filter out of the air that goes into the compressor. Check that air filter after every use, and clean it off as per the manual for your air compressor. It isn’t a terrible idea to replace it entirely twice a year as well, especially if the compressor gets a lot of use.

…Skipped Checking the Hoses

Now be honest… It is tempting to skip the thorough hose check, especially if it seems like you’ve just done it. Still, a leaky hose can put a strain on your compressor, and in the end will make more work for you. It could also fail entirely, causing even more delay.

So how did you score? Not everyone gets 5/5, but if you got less than 3, you might already need a new air compressor.

If you have any questions about maintenance of air compressors or what type of compressor you might need to contact us at 01935 310298 or email [email protected].